Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Coasting and Censors

I catch the shuttle bus from the office about 5:30 pm everyday - except on the many days I have a reception or dinner to go to at night. The office is about a 25-minute drive from my home in the Shanghai burbs. When I'm able to come home on the shuttle bus we usually arrive just in time for the Simpsons and Malcolm in the Middle on Star World TV network so I veg out for an hour before getting back to work on the computer. That one-hour break when I can turn off my brain and just coast is a pleasure.

The Da Vinci Code is showing in Shanghai for the past week and I hope to see it this weekend. I have not been to a movie in Shanghai yet but I'm told the movie is shown in English with Chinese subtitles.

Speaking of movies, part of Mission Impossible 3 was shot in Shanghai but the Chinese Government won't allow it to be shown here unless the producers cut out scenes they consider derogatory to China. For example, they want scenes showing laundry hanging out of windows cut. Never mind that this is a common sight in Shanghai. No doubt the censors will cut the car chase out and replace it with highlights of Chinese President Hu's address to the Communist Party Congress. Can't wait to see that one!


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