That Tired Look will get you kicked off the roads
The Shanghai Daily reports that the city of Chongqing will ban drivers with bags under their eyes from driving during the upcoming Spring Festival. While the concept of banning tired drivers is a good idea the authorities here have come up with a typically unique method to do it. Will they have an eye inspector out looking for baggy eyes? If so, what about those of us that always look tired? It's not fair! It's discrimination against the perpetually ugly.
The Shanghai Daily reports that the city of Chongqing will ban drivers with bags under their eyes from driving during the upcoming Spring Festival. While the concept of banning tired drivers is a good idea the authorities here have come up with a typically unique method to do it. Will they have an eye inspector out looking for baggy eyes? If so, what about those of us that always look tired? It's not fair! It's discrimination against the perpetually ugly.
I can't imagine anyone that is driving in China not having their eyes wide open in a look of sheer terror.
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