Saturday, March 14, 2009

Quality Control and Territorial Waters

For the first time in weeks the weather today was comfortable - dry, sunny and not bitter cold. I headed off for the disappearing old neighborhoods around Xintiandi, camera in hand. S headed for the fabric market to manage the creation of some coats and suits for G-man and I. I say manage because it's never as easy as just ordering and picking up. Each article of clothing has to be redone two or three times before it is done correctly. And it takes an experienced eye to know whether it has been sewn correctly. Because of these difficulties it is rare for tourists just passing through Shanghai to get custom-made clothes that live up to their expectations. If you are just passing through I recommend you shop in Hong Kong - it's pricier but quality is more reliable.

Meanwhile, on the high seas China and the U.S. are testing each others definitions of territorial waters. Last week an unarmed US Navy surveillance ship was harassed by five Chinese ships while it was sailing 75 miles south of Hainan Island. The US protested the harassment but the two sides have a fundamental disagreement with what is territorial waters. The international standard is 12 miles from the coast. The Chinese believe it is 200 miles. The US says it is coming back with its surveillance ship but this time it will have a destroyer escort. I hope things don't get too hairy while we are here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess we are going to have more then water cannons the next time.

9:40 AM  

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