The Mouse that came in from the Cold
It's that time of year in the northern hemisphere when critters start looking for a nice cozy retreat in buildings and houses. Spiders, insects, mice etc start slipping inside to get away from the cold and catch the new program lineup on tv. One such mouse found its way into our laundry room this week and started going on midnight rampages in search of food. It sounded like a pack of raccoons beating on trash cans but it turns out it was just one little fellow. I went right down to the store and bought a Havahart mouse trap because there's no way I was going to kill the critter if I could help it. It took just three hours before my mouse friend and I were on the way to an undisclosed location for a humane release. I let him go in a park but pointed him towards a taco fast food place in case he was hungry. I'd avoid taco places on 31st Street for awhile.
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