More on the Japanese Health care system
I recently wrote an entry about my experience with the Japanese health care system. As you may remember, I was impressed, and sad, that the US does not yet have a universal system as good. A lot of progress was made this year in the U.S., over much opposition - an opposition that is actually threatening to undo that progress. For another expats experience with the Japanese model this article is worth reading. No system is perfect - but all things considered, Japanese citizens are much better off than we are in this regard. Let's learn from their experience.
When I was laid off at age 55, I couldn't get an insurance company to sell me insurance even though I was healthy except for osteoarthritis. I finally found one that for a large premiem would insure me for major medical only. I had to pay this for the next 10 years until I could get Medicare. Anyone that has had this experience would welcome "Obamacare".
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