Friday, August 12, 2005

Wild Horse Island

This weekend we will be at Assateague Island National Park on the Maryland and Virginia coasts. This barrier island is populated by wild horses and is wonderfully quite - at least along the beaches.

The NPS describes the place thusly:

Storm tossed seas, as well as gentle breezes shape Assateague Island. This barrier island is a tale of constant movement and change. Bands of wild horses freely roam amongst plants and native animals that have adapted to a life of sand, salt and wind. Special thickened leaves and odd shapes reveal the plant world’s successful struggle here. Ghost crabs buried in the cool beach sand and tree swallows plucking bayberries on their southward migration offer glimpses of the animal world’s connection to Assateague.

We will be camping next to the ocean and watching the Perseid meteor shower. Hopefully the wild horses won't rough us up too badly. I figure I'm much safer there than in DC anyway.


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