Monday, November 14, 2005

Jail Time

My training today was on what to do if an American is thrown in a jail overseas. How are we supposed to help them? We had a mock jail we practiced in. I got to play a crazy American that was locked up and couldn't tell the Embassy anything coherent. I just acted naturally.

One story I've heard even before I got here is a possibly apocryphal story about a US Embassy officer on duty getting a call from the local police in some unnamed European country. The local police asked that the US Embassy come pick up a drunk American that was frolicking naked in the fountains. Our guy asked how they knew this fellow was an American. "Because he's drunk and frolicking naked in our fountains," said the local police.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that being drunk wouldn't narrow it down to American, so it must have been the frolicking naked part. I didn't realize that happened a lot, I don't think I have ever seen naked frolicking in a fountain in my life. My education is definitely lacking.

6:55 PM  
Blogger Kelvin said...

He could of been a krazy kiwi from down under in New Zealand (hehe)

9:50 PM  

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