Tuesday, October 03, 2006

PRC Issues Manners Guidelines

The Shanghai Daily reports that the Chinese government has issued guidelines for Chinese tourists visiting other countries. The guidelines include not jumping lines, not spitting, not talking loudly, and not shining shoes with hotel bed linens. It seems that the government is reacting to surveys and foreign news articles about bad behavior on the part of the increasing numbers of Chinese tourists traveling abroad. I think its a good idea but I wish the government would put a little effort into applying the guidelines to the domestic scene.

Of course every country has its rubes that are, unfortunately, allowed to travel and bother other people. I've been embarrassed by the occasional American that behaves badly overseas but by and large - most Americans abroad behave considerately. Here in China I'd have to say the most frequent loutish behavior by 大鼻子 or big noses (Westerners) is found among a small minority of European tourists epitomized by the Eastern European woman that I recently witnessed being extraordinarily abusive to a waitress at the Captain Hostel. I was so ashamed of my fellow Westerner I made sure to let the waitress know she wasn't an American. We take enough criticism - no need to be blamed for others' ugly behavior.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are they going to have some rules for the taxi drivers, or come to think about it, any drivers?

7:47 AM  

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