Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Cable Guy

What I want to know is who is the chap that decided to place all of the trans-Pacific undersea cables in the same earthquake-prone location near Taiwan? Ever since the Taiwan earthquake the day after Christmas damaged most of the cables carrying communications across the Pacific it's been nearly impossible to use the Internet to get any sites outside of mainland China. For a news junkie like this writer this has been torture! Now I can better empathize with the Chinese who don't have access to the world media on a regular basis. Relying upon only the news from China's controlled press for the last couple of weeks has not been pleasant. The Columbia Journalism Review once described the Daily Peavinian as "functioning like a newspaper in reverse - it sucks the intelligence right out of its readers". Well, it has some stiff competition in China's People's Daily. It's literally killed off billions of my neurons.

The military defenders of Taiwan must now realize that all they have to do to bring China (and the rest of Asia) to its knees is snip a few cables.


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