Saturday, November 03, 2007

Back in the States

Back in the mainland US for a few days and it feels great! It's been almost two years since I was here last time and the first thing I noticed was the solidness of everything. Buildings, streets, all the infrastructure feels solid and permanent. The food, the services, - everything looks and feels like it's going to be here for a long time. This is noticible having just come from China where so much of what one sees is either being slapped up or torn down - seemingly at the same time.

I arrived in Kansas City a day ago and headed straight for a bagel eatery and enjoyed a bit of "solid food" - bagels are as rare as queues in China.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will have to find some "solid" Ron's when you get here and Sonic has a new item you might enjoy.

9:31 PM  

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