Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Brain Wasted

I happened to catch two contrasting TV interviews today that shook me. The first one was of a woman in West Virginia that was being asked about the presidential candidates and among the incredibly ignorant things she slurred, in a language I could barely recognize as English, was that she wasn't going to vote for the black one because "we've had too much trouble with that race" - then she added that she thought he (she didn't know his name) was a Muslim. Then a few minutes later on another channel I caught an interview with Barack Obama's half brother in Nairobi, Kenya. The half-brother lived in a tiny house made out of scraps - but he had a little library and he spoke wisely and clearly. He had made what he could out of a primary education and gone further by educating himself. The contrast between these two people should make anyone living in the richest nation on Earth and with access to a free public education ashamed if they haven't made any more use of their brain than the West Virginia woman has.


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