Monday, October 05, 2009

Fox is making me Sick

The office building where I am currently studying Japanese has a small break room with a tv that is permanently tuned to Fox News - and it's driving me crazy. The news on Fox is presented in such a consistently biased spin that I would apply to it a description that was once used to describe the Greater Peavinean (newspaper). The Columbia Journalism Review described our state capital's newspaper as a newspaper in reverse - "it actually sucks the intelligence right out of the reader". Fox is the tv version of that. If Fox is all I watched I'd be very misinformed. If I really believed everything that spills forth from Fox I can see how I'd be shouting at public hearings and swaggering around with guns. Fortunately, I don't believe hardly anything that Fox News reports.

Triangulation is the only way to gather information in these times. I read and listen to a variety of news sources, both domestic and foreign, to get a better informed view of the world. My favorite news sources are PBS and NPR but I wouldn't want to limit my sources to them. Coming at information from several sources and viewpoints is the only way to function as a citizen in these times of spun, niche news.


Anonymous Bill Rich said...

You've got the right idea about getting news.

5:09 PM  
Blogger michelle said...

What can you expect in Oklahoma? If Tim McVeigh were to have blown up that federal building in the current cultural climate, you'd probably have Fox News and that Inhofe guy cheering him on as a super-patriot.

9:48 AM  

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