Monday, April 19, 2010

15 years ago today

I know exactly where I was 15 years ago today. I was four miles north of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. I was talking with a colleague when an enormous shock wave rocked the building. We looked at each other in surprise. Our eyes were wide. "What was that?! we asked to no one in particular. We were next to the Interstate so my first thought was that a semi-trailer had run into a solid object at full speed. It wasn't long before we found out that it was a terrorist bombing that killed 168 people that terrible moment.

Later, we found out that the miserable being that perpetrated the crime drove right by our windows on his way out of the city to try to escape. I'm glad he was at least caught and brought to justice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when Mom called me to say you were ok and I didn't even know anything had happened. And then on 9/11 you were just a few miles from the Pentagon and I was trying to get in touch with you.

2:18 PM  

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