Redskins and Ambassadors
Going into DC on the Metro (subway) this morning I was surrounded by excited people in Redskin red. On the way back into the Virginia burbs this afternoon I was surrounded by somber people in Redskin red. I'll wager that the Redskins lost today. Either that or Redskin fans are a determined grumpy lot. On the way into DC I overheard one of their fans complaining about Peavine U. getting to play in a recent college football championship game. "It should have been Bayou U. in that game with Hollywood State," he growled. I kept my mouth shut but quietly put a curse on his team. Did it work?
Had lunch with Tom at Teaism. Edamame, ginger salad and mint tea. Not exactly Ron's Hamburgers. Tom asked what edamame was. "It's momennem without the mayo", I said.
Now I'm taking various diplomatic training in addition to reading classes. Last week we learned the protocol for dealing with ambassadors. The main point? Always make sure the ambassador is riding on the side of the car that will pull up to the curb.
Going into DC on the Metro (subway) this morning I was surrounded by excited people in Redskin red. On the way back into the Virginia burbs this afternoon I was surrounded by somber people in Redskin red. I'll wager that the Redskins lost today. Either that or Redskin fans are a determined grumpy lot. On the way into DC I overheard one of their fans complaining about Peavine U. getting to play in a recent college football championship game. "It should have been Bayou U. in that game with Hollywood State," he growled. I kept my mouth shut but quietly put a curse on his team. Did it work?
Had lunch with Tom at Teaism. Edamame, ginger salad and mint tea. Not exactly Ron's Hamburgers. Tom asked what edamame was. "It's momennem without the mayo", I said.
Now I'm taking various diplomatic training in addition to reading classes. Last week we learned the protocol for dealing with ambassadors. The main point? Always make sure the ambassador is riding on the side of the car that will pull up to the curb.
Put a curse on them for me.
Peavine had a wild game this week and they cut away with 7 minutes left for Calisooner and Mike was at a concert in Big D, getting updates on his cellphone.
What do you do with the ambassador if you are on a one way street and don't know which side of the street your destination is on?
Had Tom been in Peavine long enough to know about your momennem.
Tulsamom, they said the driver's job was to know exactly where he/she was going and all the details. We have to put the ambassador on the right side based on that.
Redskins are just grumpy, the slaughtered the Bay Area boys.
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