Jeopardy under a ginkgo tree

"Do you know who our prime minister is?" he asked in English. I passed that test so he asked me if I knew the name of the ruling party in Japan. Passed that one too so he pressed on with harder and harder questions. When he failed to stump me he switched gears and told me to ask him if he knew who any US presidents were. "Do you know any US presidents?" I repeated dutifully. Then, bent over so far I couldn't see his face he proceeded to name every single US president, in order, starting from Washington and ending with Obama. Good grief I thought. I couldn't do that. Not one in a thousand Americans could do that. I asked him how he came to know that and why he spoke pretty good English. "Oh, it's nothin' the top of his head said to me as he shuffled away without looking back.
That is so cool!!!
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