Who are these people?

The frustrating part of going through the really old photos is that I don't know who most of the people are. It seems that my family rarely wrote on the back of the photo to tell others who the subjects were.
During my early years of photography I favored slides and have hundreds of slides that need to be digitized before the slides fade out. Scanning slides takes a lot of time and gigabytes. But I'm getting there. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to go through life and not keep a record, or photos, of anything. But I can't risk that. What if I became famous? What if I accidentally got elected to be a US Senator (Alvin Greene-like) and they wanted to write a biography? Why, I'd have to make the whole thing up and the media would surely catch me in a misremembering - maybe about serving in Vietnam (I didn't) - and then I'd feel pretty foolish.
Well, back to scanning.